Waari... a religious zeal

पाऊले चालती पंढरीची वाट

धर्म विठोबा, कर्म शिवबा

तीर्थ विठ्ठल । क्षेत्र विठ्ठल ॥
जल विठ्ठल । निर्मल विठ्ठल ॥

विठोबाचा आग्रह।
स्वच्छतेचा निग्रह॥

लावूनिया कपाळी चंदन ।
पाळूया सुरक्षेचे बंधन ||

वीर जवाना संगे ।
हरिनाम रंगे ||

हिरवाईची सक्ती,
हीच विठू भक्ती

विठोबाचे यात्री,
प्लास्टिकला कात्री ॥





Highlights of IT Dindee Program in 2023


IT Dindee in 2023

This Year Sri Sant Dnyaneshwar Maharaj Palkhi Prasthan Sohala at Alandi is on June 11th, 2023 (Sunday).

IT Dindee warkaris will be walking with the Sri Sant Dnyaneshwar Maharaj Palkhi on the following dates

  1. Alandi to Pune on Monday, June 12, 2023 

  2. Pune to Saswad on Wednesday, June 14, 2023.

Please register online to participate.


IT Dindee in 2022

This Year Sri Sant Dnyaneshwar Maharaj Palkhi Prasthan Sohala at Alandi is on June 21st, 2022 (Tuesday).

Palakhi will start from Alandi for Pune on Wednesday, June 22, 2022 and from Pune to Saswad on Friday, June 24, 2022.

IT Dindee will observe all governement guidelines as applicable for Covid-19 and be socially responsible. Please register online to participate.

IT Dindee in 2020

This Year Sri Sant Dnyaneshwar Maharaj Palkhi Prasthan Sohala at Alandi is expected to be on June 13th, 2020 (Saturday).

Based on Covid-19 situation, palakhi is expected to start from Alandi for Pune on Sunday, June 14, 2020 and from Pune to Saswad on Tuesday, June 16, 2020.

We will NOT walk this year from Alandi to Pune or Pune to Saswad. All our wari programs will be conducted via series of satsang sessions using Google Meet or similar tools. These satsang sessions will be conducted in June and July 2020. Please register yourself for the same. 

IT Dindee in 2019

1200+ professionals alongwith their friends & families from all over Pune and beyond joined Sri Sant Dnyaneshwar Maharaj Palkhi this year as part of IT Dindee from Alandi to Pune and around 350 from Pune to Saswad. Some of the warkaris walked through to Pandharpur. 

Sri Sant Dnyaneshwar Maharaj Palkhi started from Alandi for Pune on Wednesday June 26, 2019 and from Pune to Saswad on Friday June 28, 2019.

IT Dindee in 2018

1000+ professionals alongwith their friends & families from all over Pune and beyond joined Sri Sant Dnyaneshwar Maharaj Palkhi this year as part of IT Dindee from Alandi to Pune and around 500 from Pune to Saswad. Some of the warkaris walked through to Pandharpur. 

This Year Sri Sant Dnyaneshwar Maharaj Palkhi starts from Alandi for Pune on Saturday July 07, 2018 and from Pune to Saswad on Monday July 09, 2018. IT Dindee registration closes on July 1, 2018 for both Alandi-Pune and Pune-Saswad routes.

IT Dindee in 2017

IT Dindee warkaries will walk from Alandi to Pune on Sunday June 18, 2017. Tuesday, June  20, 2017 is the day Palakhi starts from Pune and reaches Saswad. Registration for both days will open on April 17, 2017. IT Dindee registration closes on June 11, 2017 for both Alandi-Pune and Pune-Saswad routes.

IT Dindee in 2016

IT Dindi was a memorable spiritual gathering of some 1200+ IT professionals and their friends & families from the various walks of the life.

In 2016, IT Dindi warka

यावर्षी वारी भरपावसात!!!